
How does Lens AI work?

Lens AI is built using the Selas AI engine. The Gallery DAO curates aesthetics and styles in conjunction with input from other artists to help provide a more engaging experience. Type in an active sentence, select a style, and generate whatever you want.

How can I mint my creations?

The Lens collect module allows to set different options including price, supply, and duration. You can learn more about these features here.

Do you keep my uploaded photos?

No. They are temporarily held during the initial training process but then are immediately deleted.

Does LensAI store my data?

No,we don't store any sensitive data. The only time your information is kept is during the initial upload process for LensAI Avatars. This is for approx five minutes and then this data is deleted.

Will you use the images I create?

We may from time to time use images created by members of the community to showcase the project. Certain images may be used by our team to improve our tooling.

Where can I see the images I've created?

In your profile view, you can view images you've created and minted out into the Lens ecosystem.

Where can I leave feedback?

We value your feedback feel free to post on thegallerydao.canny.io/lensai

Do I need a Lens account to post NFTs.

Yes. Creators can submit for a profile here.